Eden Sage Simpson was born at 1:28am august 14th, she weighed 7lb. 1 oz. and was 20 inches long!
We went to see them (They live out of town) August 17th just 4 days after she was born! she is soo beautiful! and tiny!! I love her soo much!
We went to see them (They live out of town) August 17th just 4 days after she was born! she is soo beautiful! and tiny!! I love her soo much!
Me, getting to hold her! |
Her youngest aunt, Faith! -Welcome to the world Beautiful!- |
Oh my goodness! What a cutey! She's absolutely beautiful! Congrats on becoming an aunt!
A modest fashion blog: www.natashaatkerson.blogspot.com
Hi Rebekah,
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog!! Congratulations on becoming an aunt!!! She's so cute! :) I have a garden: I love gardening. Where do ya'll live?
I hope you'll check out and follow my blog!!! :)
Your sister in the Lord,
ps. I love to read the Bible, too!!!
Here's my blog: creatingpreciousmoments.blogspot.com